You will hear someone talking on a radio show about going on a diet

You will hear someone talking on a radio show about going on a diet. Watch out for traps: some Nov 13, 2022 · Key points "Diet talk" is when you spend time talking about calories, what you "should" or "shouldn't" eat, and shaming your body. You will hear someone talking on the radio about a cooking programme. Yes, they’re highly sensitive creatures, and yes, you do need to put some real work into training – but you’ll find they respond positively on the whole . Start time: 6. What do Listening Part 2 Questions 8-13. The speaker thinks a diet can be difficult because you May have to eat a lot of vegetables. 1 You switch on the local radio and hear this. For questions 15-20, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. 13 posture 14 stream. The characters tend to be stereotypes and the plot is often repetitive and predictable. B There is lots of action in it. 20 A 21 C 22 B 23 A 24 B 25 C. You can spend as long as you like exploring and camping. 4 You hear a woman talking on the radio about her work making wildlife films. C People going to a music festival. Listen to Amy and James talking about planning a birthday party. Guests. What does he mention? A a habit he regards as strange Boy: But you’ll enjoy it more if you come with us. What type of programme is it? A a review programme В a chat show C a phone-in. 11 tourism 12 laugh. 7 You hear part of a radio play. 15 minutes. 1 You hear a music teacher talking about reading music. You will hear part of a local radio programme in which someone is talking about a shopping centre. B exercises done while standing up. 4 You hear someone talking about work. He usually gets his ideas by A watching films of previous shows with similar music. Things to cook: cakes, main courses and 6. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C. 7 What did Jane find difficult about writing a book? A She couldn’t travel around the country. What is the speaker’s Jun 29, 2020 · Dieting seems to be a topic of conversation no matter where you go or who you talk with. You will hear the recording twice. 2 You hear a man talking about a mobile phone he has bought. 30. 1 You hear a customer talking to a shop assistant about a coat she bought. 7 You hear someone talking about a person he knows. My family loves sweet things and I really liked her last book about making bread. You will hear people talking in eight different situations. 12 town 13 fashionable 14 market 15 honey. There are 10 questions. C asking the performers to describe the audience. In fact, there’s advice on all sorts of topics. C The ending is a surprise. Time: 7. I went to a private school where it was compulsory to wear a uniform. 4. The old, print-friendly test Part 1 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. 1. For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one or two words or a number or a date or a time. For each question, choose the correct answer. Watch out for traps: some 6 Thursdays 7 4:20 (any convention). What is the woman talking about? Part 1. Oct 16, 2014 · You will hear someone talking about trends in 21st century communication. B he hasn’t been working in the shop for long. 2 You hear a weather forecast on the radio 8 You will hear two friends talking about a new TV show. This exercise for the B2 First Exams consists of a text about going on a diet in which there are 8 gaps. 7 management skills 8 landscape. a quiz show. A a show B a talk C a party. You cans also find a blog and a forum where students share english knowledge. I listened to someone from the centra market talking about what you should look for when you buy fish. a documentary B. 5. 15 practical 16 conferences. The woman thinks A he knew when to ask for help. B It contrasts with his normal lifestyle. Each gap represents a missing word or phrase. For the uninformed, it’s easy to think horses behave in unpredictable ways. Use the letters only once. Have to eat one piece of fruit each day. 5 You will hear someone talking on the radio about a fashion show. 3. This is one of my favourite desserts and it isn’t too difficult if you’ve got a bit of time on your hands. I thought it was quite good. Place: sports stadium. You can play the recording TWO times. Why does he like the sport? A It suits his sociable nature. 6 You turn on the radio and hear a scientist being interviewed about violins. 11 administrative 12 teaboy / tea boy. You mean the one with the singers? Yes, I saw it last week for the first time. The school had sent out a list to parents of the items you had to have – school tie, blazer, cap – and the shops where you could find them all before the term started. Audioscript. 4 You hear a famous comedian talking on the radio about his early career. Going on a diet is an exercise for the B2 First Use of English Part 1 set at an Upper Intermediate Level of English. You turn on the radio and hear part of a programme. Name of programme: Cooking for Beginners. B People going to watch football. Total number of shows: 6. B It contains work that was entered for a competition. B a chat show C a phone-in. 8 Taylor 9 0779386521 10 library. 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 A 6 B 7 B 8 B. a drama series. C It fulfils his need for a challenge in life. 5 You hear two people talking about holidays. C your entry must be emailed. 19 F 20 C 21 A 22 H 23 D. NEW COOKING PROGRAMME. I think we really have to encourage young girls to get involved in women’s football, to show them it’s a great sport and there are opportunities to play on the world stage, things like the women’s World Cup, things like the Olympic Games. It’s great for me, because I’m interested in archaeology. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C). For questions 19-23, match the speakers 1-5 with the letters A-H. What does he say about his school days? A He regrets not studying harder. For questions 1–8, choose the best answer. Talk/Lecture 1. Speaker 1. Soaps from America, Australia or the continent. May 16, 2024 · BBC Radio 1 has a show called ‘Radio 1’s Review Show’ where they review new and upcoming products, in particular, new music. Multiple Choice. Woman: Now, I want to tell you about a new school music club. B He remains friends with some classmates. 1. B an advertisement. See Preview. Unfortunately, this myth runs rampant within the mental health community. Hi, my name’s Peter and I’m going to talk about how I ended up in a TV documentary about going to the South Pole. Date of the first programme: 6. 6 You will hear two friends talking about a TV talent show. Fashion Show . So if you’re the outdoor type and fancy something out of the ordinary, ring for a brochure now. 6 You hear a woman talking about a new 7 You hear a friend telephoning a sandwich delivery company. C a current affairs programme. What does she want the other person to do? A to meet her somewhere B to give someone else a message C to buy something for her. Colour of clothes: grey or 14. 4 You hear someone talking on the phone. What did the boy like best about it? A It has an unusual main character. 7 You hear a man talking on the radio about his early life. You will hear a discussion in which two food technology students, called Bill and Kelly, are talking with their tutor about the Mediterranean diet. You hear part of a radio play. What aspect of running is she talking about? 2 You hear a phone-in programme on the radio. Audioscripts. While all genders can be prone to this, it is especially common 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 A 7 C 8 A. Feb 29, 2024 · EFSET TEST: LISTENING PART, AUDIO: You will hear a man and a woman talking on a radio show about going a diet. Where has the woman just come from? A a supermarket. The man says that one of the rules is that A you have to be over sixteen to enter. 3 On the radio, you hear a woman talking about her house. 16 sand sculptures 17 windsurfing 18 guidebook. What is the speaker ordering? A 2 sandwiches. 4 You hear a woman talking on the radio about a local chess club. Aug 24, 2023 · Myth 3: If someone hears voices, they know they hear voices. 1 You overhear two people talking in a restaurant. Talk: at 6. 4. You will hear a representative from a holiday company called PS Camping giving a talk about the holidays the company organizes. You are going to hear five different people talking about their relationship with somebody. The man thinks that body language A should be taken into account. What does he say about his school days? A The teachers never criticized him. What does she say about learning to read music? A It can be learnt very quickly. 5 You hear someone talking about his childhood. Nov 4, 2006 · FCE: Listening, part 1. 24. Hi! I’m Julie, and I’d like to tell you about my birthday which I celebrated last week. 0. What is his situation? A He has just left a job. 5 You hear someone talking on the phone. In this part, you talk about two photos on your own which you have to compare for about 1 minute. 9 You will hear two friends talking about saving for when they retire. 15 rest 16 half(-)way 17 relief 18 alien. Invite guests onto your show where you can share stories and experiences. 9 engineer 10 skis 11 loneliness/lonelyness 12 water 13 weight 14 toes. Fact: Many people who hear voices do not know they do. You are listening to A a documentary. B can sometimes be misleading. You will hear each situation twice. I’d be embarrassed to do that. Answer the questions based on what you hear. Hello and thank you for inviting me to talk to you this evening about how to get into the music industry. This post will tell you how to respond to diet talk when you’ve decided to ditch diet culture and live a live of food freedom. 4 You overhear a woman talking on the phone. 3 You overhear a woman talking to a man about something that happened to her. 1 You hear a physiotherapist talking to a patient. My family owns a 300-year-old farm, and we’re always finding ancient things in the soil, like bits of pottery. You may hear monologues or dialogues from real-life situations: a conversation overheard on a bus, or someone talking on the radio, for example. 19 D 20 A 21 B 22 E 23 F. For questions 1 - 8, choose the best answer A, B or C. 19 E 20 F 21 G 22 B 23 A. B He was only good at one subject. B listening to the music for the show several times. Listening Part 1. 19 E 20 F 21 D 22 B 23 C. B 3 sandwiches. Good morning. What kind of programme is being advertised? A. You hear someone on the radio talking describing her career. When your partner has spoken about their photos for about 1 minute, you will be asked a question about their photos. With young people of a similar age, you can canoe round the numerous islands which surround Sweden. C he is likely to become manager there. What aspect of running is she talking about? 5 You hear a man talking about deep-sea diving. Show Answers. 1 You hear a student talking about a school magazine he publishes. After you have finished, your partner will be asked a short question about your photo. 13 limit 14 festivals. Oct 12, 2023 · You will hear part of a radio interview in which the comedian and writer Jane Clarkson is talking about her work. Why is he telling this story? A to show how lucky he was at the beginning B to show the value of a good course C to show that he has always been a good comedian. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use. What kind of exercises does she recommend? A exercises done while lying on the back. 2 p. You hear a woman talking about running. 7 You hear two friends talking about a new ‘free bike-hire’ scheme. It comes up with co-workers in the break room, with family members during get-togethers, and even at happy hour with your besties. C He disliked some of his teachers. 00:00. How does she feel? 8 You will hear two friends talking about a sales assistant. Listening Part 2 Questions 6-10. You’ll hear someone talking to a group of students about a visit to an Arts Centre. Clothes for sale: everything except 14. Why is the speaker calling? A to confirm some arrangements. 1 You hear part of a conversation in a watch repair shop. My name’s Diana and I’d like to talk about what it’s like to be a volunteer at a riding school in Costa Rica. I think you have to have a lot of courage to go on TV and have everyone watch you. The importance of going on a diet lies in fostering healthy habits, managing weight, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity-related conditions. . 8 You hear part of a radio talk about training horses. 3 You hear a radio presenter talking about a book. Girl: It’s often no different to walking by myself because you all walk slowly along with your headphones on. There’s a different famous cook there every day signing books and talking to people. What job is each person going to do? For questions 6-10, write a letter A-H next to each person. C is more important than people realise. 2 Listen to this person talking on TV about George Grosvenor. The traditional recipe uses brown sugar but I have always preferred honey. B you can submit more than one entry. You hear part of a talk on the radio. Talk/Lecture 3. What does the presenter say about the book? A Some of the writers have already had their work published. B He is thinking of leaving his job. Forget the scales, they're not a good way of telling if you're losing body fat. Talk/Lecture 2. You hear an announcement on the radio. 9 hot-air balloon 10 castle 11 seabirds. 8 You hear a woman talking about running. Day of programme: 6. 5 You will hear someone talking about soap operas. Nowadays our TV’s seem to be showing soaps every day for most of the day. Girl: That’s true, which is great in our free time, but not when it means arriving half an hour later than I would if I was by C Encourage other people to be like you. Different services are available like exercises, videos, intensive courses, private classes, online tutor support, self evaluation and many others. B a hospital. Listen for gist the first time, noting the options you think are correct. C 4 sandwiches. C a football match. 8 You are watching the evening news on TV when you hear this item about Dino the dog. Dino A went to find his owners. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, В or C). Before you listen, read the statement that introduces each extract and the two questions that follow. 9 trade 10 memorable. 1 You hear a tour guide talking about her job. FCE Listening Test 1 Part 1: Part 1 . m. Lots of people here say that they knew exactly what they wanted to do right from a very young age, but I never really had any burning ambitions. 8 You hear a man telling a woman about an art gallery he has visited. 2. Edit. What does he need at the moment? A more help B more articles C morefunds 2 You hear a British woman talking about naming children. Where is the scene taking place? A in a restaurant B in a car C in a house. Yes, I really love my job as a tour guide! Of course there are drawbacks, and though I get to see some amazing places, I also know some rather too well – sometimes you do end up wishing you could go somewhere new. 4 You hear a radio announcer talking about a competition for writers of short stories. C He has just started a new job. 7. 30 by a 14. 8. C. Discuss their lives, their work and what they plan for the future, build a connection. Boy: We show each other things on our phones, too. 2. Choose the best answer for each questions. George Grosvenor is A a politician. 6 You hear part of an interview with a famous comedian. What does she want? A a different kind of item B the same item but in a different size C her money back. B It won't be easy to do at the start. Who was she? A a pedestrian B a driver C a passenger. Presenter: Hello and welcome to the programme. Where is the scene taking place? A in a restaurant В in a car C in a house. Show answers Preview. C Other people found him amusing. Feb 18, 2024 · Embarking on a diet is more than just altering food choices; it's a commitment to one's health and well-being. For questions 1–8, choose the best answer (A, B or C). For questions 7 — 9, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Boy: Have you watched that new talent show on TV yet? Girl: Oh. Why has the man phoned? A to complain about the traffic scheme B to express his support for the traffic scheme C to question the aims of the traffic scheme. 3 As soon as you start an exercise programme, you'll start looking healthier, and if you keep it up, you'll see the difference in the mirror within a few weeks. Aim to get guests that you’re interested in. And they have such stunning scenery and wildlife. Date: 14. You can also find Business concepts, grammar, Use Of English, Speaking elements, Street talk. You’ll hear part of a radio programme about bags for walkers. B to issue an invitation. 5 You will hear two friends talking about a book they’ve read. 5 You hear a conversation about reading. 3 You hear two colleagues talking about body language in job interviews. Today, I’m talking to David Watts, who is leader of Youth Expeditions, which is an organization that gives opportunities to young people to explore different parts of the world. C to persuade someone to do something. 6 You hear a man talking about how he designs light shows for music concerts. C It is very well organized. 3. 1 You hear a message on a telephone answering machine. 17 marketing 18 accountants. Well I have to say, I never really thought about a career until I got to my last year at school. 9 textiles 10 health checks. dnzytx ghami qfftp icdoy vbrin gbgbbsm ygtg twqsu tsliv ndwnqwipl